Itinera Vitae is a box containing a book and a deck of cards
Itinera Vitae responds to a public call for the ideation and design of a publication aimed at publicising the most outstanding examples and actions carried out in the field of Universal Accessibility in recent years in Extremadura.

The publication contains a book and a deck of cards
The publication takes on the double form of a book and a game, both of equal size, brought together in a box. It combines a handy format, easily legible fonts and typefaces, contrasting colours and tones, easy-to-read summaries and QR codes that redirect to content in digital format, favouring the accessibility of use of the publication itself.

Interior pages of the book
The book brings together a set of original contributions and collaborations from different disciplines and formats: presentations, institutional catalogues, testimonies, essays and visual atlases. The aim is to put into context the disparate content that unfolds in the guide.

Graphic system for the notation of each card
The game takes the form of a collection of cards or cards that bring together the selected initiatives. Access to this varied set of actions will make it possible, within their disparate and heterogeneous nature, to trace routes that make them accessible and assimilable for those who read them in depth. In this way, it also avoids giving an order or hierarchy to the actions and equating them in terms of relevance. It also becomes an open format that can be easily expanded with new examples.
Back side of the cards
In short, it is a tool for dissemination, awareness-raising and sensitisation that helps to train citizens and professionals through the analysis and management of real, visitable and replicable actions in the inalienable territory of Universal Accessibility.
One side of the charts shows each of the accessibility practices
Halfway between the social, the economic and the emotional, Universal Accessibility is nourished by the active listening of civil society and promotes participation and commitment. As an integrating fabric, it is multi-scale, multidisciplinary and multi-purpose. Thus, the promotion and dissemination of benchmark actions in this field requires new approaches, innovative formats and knowledge management, aimed at fostering the appropriate and egalitarian use of spaces and services, the orientation and understanding of the built environment and its landscape; all this from a creative and transversal vision.
The cards can be connected in a map following different graphic criteria

Authors: Juan Elvira, Enrique Krahe y Clara Murado
Direction and Production: Dirección General de Accesibilidad y Centros (DGAyC) Vicepresidencia Segunda y Consejería de Sanidad y Servicios Sociales de la Junta de Extremadura
Printing: Tecnigraf SAU
ISBN: 978-84-09-45504-1
Legal Deposit: BA-000649-2022
Coordination: Dirección General de Accesiblidad y Centros. María Ángeles López Amado, arquitecta y directora general. Sagrario Conjereo Vidal, jefa de servicio. Eva Galache Ramos, arquitecta. Alonso J. Rosa López, arquitecto. Ana de Nazaret Montero Díaz, arquitecta.
Caracteristics: Book: 300 páginas tamaño 70x120mm. Deck 70x120mm